Kolennikova N.D. (2024). Specifics of Russians’ perception of housing conditions and housing inequality: Dynamics and factors. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 17(4), 247–263. Kolennikova N.D. (2024). Specifics of Russians’ perception of housing conditions and housing inequality: Dynamics and factors. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 17(4), 247–263.ISSN 2307-0331DOI: 10.15838/esc.2024.4.94.14EDN: NTZSENРИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/contents.asp?id=72293602Размещена на сайте: 28.10.24Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: http://esc.vscc.ac.ru/article/30055/full?_lang=en (дата обращения 28.10.2024)Версия статьи на другом языке:Специфика восприятия россиянами жилищных условий и жилищного неравенства: динамика и факторы // Экономические и социальные перемены: факты, тенденции, прогноз. 2024. Т. 17. № 4. С. 247–263. Ссылка при цитировании:Kolennikova N.D. (2024). Specifics of Russians’ perception of housing conditions and housing inequality: Dynamics and factors. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 17(4), 247–263. DOI: 10.15838/esc.2024.4.94.14. EDN: NTZSEN.Kolennikova N.D. (2024). Specifics of Russians’ perception of housing conditions and housing inequality: Dynamics and factors. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 17(4), 247–263. DOI: 10.15838/esc.2024.4.94.14 DOI: 10.15838/esc.2024.4.94.14.Авторы:Коленникова Н.Д.АннотацияThe paper analyzes the dynamics and specifics of Russians’ perception of their housing conditions, housing inequality, as well as assessments of the overall housing situation in the country. Based on the data of all-Russian representative studies conducted by the Institute of Sociology FCTAS RAS using face-to-face method in the framework of door-to-door surveys, it is shown that for most Russians housing inequality today is more related to the problem of housing quantity and quality, rather than housing availability. In this regard, housing inequality remains a critical issue, and its severity varies for different groups. Key factors determining the specifics of subjective assessments of housing conditions and the acuteness of housing inequality in modern conditions are the stage of a person’s life and their resource base, which includes not only income, but also intangible characteristics related to employment, education and the number of problems an individual has to deal with. It is shown that the greatest match between housing conditions and related subjective demands is recorded in the most prosperous groups, and the greatest mismatch, respectively, in relatively disadvantaged ones. Attention is focused on a very limited list of tools used by Russians to improve housing conditions, the most common of which is the purchase of housing, and the high relevance of settlement inequalities in this context. Although most Russians approve of the state housing policy, it is highly focused on addressing housing issues, but does not fully take into account inequality in the quality of housing conditions.Ключевые слова:housing inequality housing conditions housing satisfaction housing situation social policy Рубрики: СоциологияСоциология общественного мненияВозможно, вам будут интересны другие публикации:Коленникова Н. Д.Специфика восприятия россиянами жилищных условий и жилищного неравенства: динамика и факторы // Экономические и социальные перемены: факты, тенденции, прогноз. 2024. Т. 17. № 4. С. 247–263. Anikin V.A., Lezhnina Y.P., Mareeva S.V., Slobodenyuk E.D. Public Demand for State Support in the Post-Communist Welfare State: The Case of Russia. Sociological Research Online. 2023. Vol. 28. No. 4. P. 1014-1032.Ermolaeva, Y.V. Problems of modernization of the waste management sector in Russia:expert opinions. Revista Tecnologia e Sociedade, Curitiba, v. 15, n. 35, p. 56-77, jan./abr. 2019Мареева С. В.Зоны субъективного благополучия и неблагополучия в российском обществе // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Социология. 2018. Т.18. №4. С. 695-707.Мареева С. В.Субъективное благополучие и неблагополучие россиян в контексте осуществленных преобразований // Двадцать пять лет социальных трансформаций в оценках и суждениях россиян: опыт социологического анализа / [М.К. Горшков и др.]; отв. ред. М.К. Горшков, В.В. Петухов. — М.: Весь Мир, 2018. С. 57-79.