
: // . 2024. . 30, 8. . 1013-1024.
ISSN 1998-1627
DOI: 10.35854/1998-1627-2024-8-1013-1024
: https://elibrary.ru/contents.asp?id=69924407

: 07.12.24

Google Academia


 .. : // . 2024. . 30, 8. . 1013-1024. DOI: 10.35854/1998-1627-2024-8-1013-1024. EDN: GXHNHF.
Kroshilin S.V. Intellectual potential of medical organizations: an integrated approach to assessment. Economics and management. 2024. Vol. 30. No. 8. Pp. 1013-1024. DOI: 10.35854/1998-1627-2024-8-1013-1024. EDN: GXHNHF. DOI: 10.35854/1998-1627-2024-8-1013-1024.

. , , , , - . . ; ; ; , . . , , , , , , , , . - , . (, , ), . . , . , . . , , . , , - , (). , ( .. ) .


- intellectual capital intellectual potential assessment of intellectual potential socio-economic transformations intangible resources digital technologies in medicine integrated approach management in healthcare


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