R.Simonyan. The Baltics: The Pre War Yeas R.Simonyan. The Baltics: The Pre War Yeas // International Affairs, № 2, 2010, Minneapolis University, p.164-176. (1,2 printed page).Размещена на сайте: 26.05.11 Поискать полный текст на Google AcademiaСсылка при цитировании:R.Simonyan. The Baltics: The Pre War Yeas // International Affairs, № 2, 2010, Minneapolis University, p.164-176. (1,2 printed page).Авторы:Симонян Р.Х.АннотацияThe article contains an analysis of political, social, psychological, economic and ethno-cultural aspects of the situation in the Baltic countries, prevailing on the eve of World War II.Ключевые слова: military threat the inevitability of the division of spheres of influence the inability to maintain independence the secret agreement between the great small countries Рубрики: СоциологияВозможно, вам будут интересны другие публикации:R.Simonyan. The Baltics: The Pre War Yeas // International Affairs, № 2, 2010, Minneapolis University, p.164-176. (1,2 printed page).