Vladimir Mukomel. Labour Migration And The Host Country: Russian case Мукомель В.И.Vladimir Mukomel. Labour Migration And The Host Country: Russian case // CARIM-East RR 2012/31, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, San Domenico di Fiesole (FI): European University Institute, 2012.Размещена на сайте: 07.01.13Текст опубликован на сайте КАРИМ Восток – Консорциума прикладных исследований по международной миграции. URL:http://www.carim-east.eu/media/CARIM-East-2012-RR-31.pdfСсылка при цитировании:Мукомель В.И. Vladimir Mukomel. Labour Migration And The Host Country: Russian case // CARIM-East RR 2012/31, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, San Domenico di Fiesole (FI): European University Institute, 2012.АннотацияLabour migration is discussed here in the context of the transformation of the Russian market and labour migrants’ communication with their host society. Of central importance is the analysis of changes in the labour market and how these changes affect the structure of employment for migrant workers, their inclusion in local labour markets and labour mobility, the prevalence of illegal and informal employment. It is concluded that the functioning of the Russian labour market and its institutional design and the rules that restrict migrants’ access to decent work exacerbate social inequalities and contribute to the marginalization of migrant workers. Particular attention is paid to: migrants’ interaction with social institutions and the population of the host country; factors that contribute to the breaking of ties with the sending society; the social exclusion of migrants in the host community; as well as problems of the social exclusion of certain vulnerable groups of migrants. The interaction of labour migrants with internal migrants is discussed, prevailing relations (competition, complementarity) in the labour market are described.Ключевые слова: labour migration Рубрики: ЭтносоциологияВозможно, вам будут интересны другие публикации:Mukomel Vladimir. Labour Mobility of Migrants from CIS Countries in Russia // Central and Eastern European Migration Review. Vol. 2, No. 2, December 2013, pp. 21–38.Мукомель В. И.Миграционные процессы в России 1985-2015 // Сайт проекта Последние 30. URL: http://last30.ru/issue/migration/research/. Дата обращения: 20.07.2015.Воробьева О.Д., Гребенюк А.А., Леонова М.А., Мукомель В. И., Топилин А.В.Многоликая миграция / Под общ. ред. О.Д. Воробьевой, А.В. Топилина. - М.: Экон-информ, 2014. - 261 с.Денисенко М.Б., Мукомель В. И.Самочувствие трудовых мигрантов в период пандемии: российский кейс // Научное обозрение. Серия 1. Экономика и право. — 2021. — № 3. — С. 74-82. DOI: 10.26653/2076-4650-2021-3-06Денисенко М.Б., Мукомель В. И.Трудовая миграция в России в период коронавирусной пандемии // Демографическое обозрение. 2020. Т. 7. № 3. С. 84-107.