Yanitsky O. On Globalization and its Environmental Consequences. The Yanitsky Reader II Yanitsky O. On Globalization and its Environmental Consequences. The Yanitsky Reader II / O. Yanitsky; IS RAS. – M.: IS RAS, 2016. – 216 p. URL: http://www.isras.ru/index.php?page_id=1198&id=4603ISBN 978-5-89697-274-7Размещена на сайте: 12.10.16Full textСсылка при цитировании:Yanitsky O. On Globalization and its Environmental Consequences. The Yanitsky Reader II / O. Yanitsky; IS RAS. – M.: IS RAS, 2016. – 216 p. URL: http://www.isras.ru/index.php?page_id=1198&id=4603Yanitsky O. On Globalization and its Environmental Consequences. The Yanitsky Reader II / O. Yanitsky; IS RAS. – M.: IS RAS, 2016. – 216 p. URL: http://www.isras.ru/index.php?page_id=1198&id=4603Авторы:Яницкий О.Н.АннотацияReader II contains a collection of essays on globalization and its environmental consequences written by Oleg Yanitsky, one of the leading Russian environmental sociologists. In his articles and essays the author analyses the current shifts in the theory and methodology in the studies of the above complex and inherently contradictory phenomena. The Reader is addressed to all those who are interested in the structural-functional changes generated by the run of globalization both top-down and bottom-up. The Reader may be used as the training appliance for the students and postgraduates of the sociological and environmental faculties. В Сборник II включены работы Яницкого, одного из ведущих российских эко-социологов, по проблемам глобализации и ее социально-экологическим последствиям, написанные автором в 2012-16 гг. Автор анализирует изменения, произошедшие в теории и методологии исследования этого одного из наиболее сложных и внутренне противоречивых социальных феноменов. Сборник II адресован всем, кто интересуется структурно-функциональными изменениями в современном мире, порожденными этим процессом. Сборник может быть также использован в качестве учебного пособия для студентов и аспирантов социологических и экологических факультетов высших учебных заведений.Ключевые слова: environmental sociology globalization Оглавлениескрыть оглавлениепоказать оглавлениеACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 8 PREFACE 10 Interview with Oleg Yanitsky taken by Olga Usacheva 13 PART I: THEORY 22 A Primary Eco-structure: the Concept and its Testing 22 New Developments in Environmental Sociology 38 On Global Environmental Sociology 53 Urry’s Global Mobilities Concept: Some Comments and Considerations 70 The Turbulent Times: A Research Agenda 82 Principles of Complex Environmental Analysis: The Synopsis 94 Sociobiotechnical Paradigm for an Environmental Science 107 Social Movements Studies: On Possible Developments of its Theoretical Apparatus 122 Sociobiotechnical Systems: a New Approach to Humanity Interaction 138 PART II: CASE-STUDIES 151 Terrorist’s Infrastructures and Urban Milieu 151 Modern Networks and Infrastructures in Light of the Risk-Society Theory 156 Twenty Five Years of Russia’s Environmental Reforms 170 Individual-Mass Society Relationships in the EU: The Case of Migrants’ Influx 185 PART III: FROM THE HISTORY 201 The Struggle in Defense of Baikal: The Shift of Values and Disposition of Forces 201 Looking Back: Notes on Russian Environmental Movement in the Late 1980s 221 Рубрики: ЭкосоциологияВозможно, вам будут интересны другие публикации:Yantsky Oleg. Notes on Sociology of Globalization // Journal of Social Science Research, 2015, Vol 8, No 1, p. 1478-1484.Oleg N. Yanitsky. The Development of the Russian Environmental Movement in the beginning of XXI Century. International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE), vol 5, no. 6, 2018, pp. 23-31. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.20431/2349-0381.0506004. Yanitsky Oleg Nikolaevich, Russian Environmentalist Oleg Yanitsky: Reflections on My Own Life-Story International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2017,4(12) : 118-126.Yanitsky, O. The Ecological Wars: The Notion, Concept And Dynamics. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2020, Vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 477-488.Яницкий О. Н.Yanitsky Oleg. Modern Wars: Are the Sociologists Well Prepared to Them? // Papers of Russian Sociologists for the 12th ESA Conference «Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination» in Praque, the Czech Republic, August 25-28, 2015. Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2015.