Latov Yu. V. The Specter of a «Revolutionary Situation»: Protest Actions and Protest Sentiments in Russia Today. Social Sciences. A Quarterly Journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2017, Vol.48, №2, pp. 62-79. Latov Yu. V. The Specter of a «Revolutionary Situation»: Protest Actions and Protest Sentiments in Russia Today. Social Sciences. A Quarterly Journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2017, Vol.48, №2, pp. 62-79.ISSN 0134-5486Размещена на сайте: 10.11.17 Поискать полный текст на Google AcademiaСсылка при цитировании:Latov Yu. V. The Specter of a «Revolutionary Situation»: Protest Actions and Protest Sentiments in Russia Today. Social Sciences. A Quarterly Journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2017, Vol.48, №2, pp. 62-79.Latov Yu. V. The Specter of a «Revolutionary Situation»: Protest Actions and Protest Sentiments in Russia Today. Social Sciences. A Quarterly Journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2017, Vol.48, №2, pp. 62-79.Авторы:Латов Ю.В.АннотацияBased on a nationwide survey conducted by the RAS Institute of Sociology in monitoring mode, the odds are assessed of a «revolutionary situation» arising in modern Russia, i.e., a growth of mass grassroots protests. Analysis of the results of a survey carried out in early spring of 2016 and their comparison with the previous «waves» of the survey show that in the near term (the next year or two) a «revolutionary situation» in Russia will remain only a distant menace and mass protest actions will be only a potential threat, not a tangible reality. This conclusion is bolstered by the fact that 2015 saw only a moderate level of personal participation in various protest actions. Besides, current protest actions are prompted mainly by economic factors as people protest against loss of jobs, price growth, etc., not against the government. A paradox is observed: While many protest against the current socioeconomic «rules of the game», their protest is not consolidated; protest against existing political institutions has its «leaders» (the liberal opposition), but this protest has a far narrower base. At the same time, a dangerous phenomenon is the high volatility of protest activities as Russian citizens, when provoked by «irritating» developments, are prone to instantly switching their sociopolitical allegiances.Ключевые слова: social protest protest actions social deviancy opinion polls «revolutionary situation» Рубрики: Политические системы и процессыСоциология повседневных практикВозможно, вам будут интересны другие публикации:Латов Ю. В.Призрак «революционной ситуации»: протестные действия и протестные настроения современных россиян // Общественные науки и современность. 2017. №2. С. 36-51.Латов Ю. В.Коррупция в зеркале общественного мнения россиян: проблемы, противоречия, парадоксы // Journal of Institutional Studies. 2019. №11(4). С. 40-60.Мацкевич М. Г.Провал опросной индустрии в США-2016: миф или реальность? Предвыборные опросы и прогнозирование результатов президентских выборов // Материалы VII международной социологической Грушинской конференции «Навстречу будущему. Прогнозирование в социологических исследованиях», 15—16 марта 2017 г. / отв. ред. А. В. Кулешова. — М. : АО ВЦИОМ, 2017. — С. 1660-1666.