Zemnukhova L.V. Digitalization as a Sociotechnical Process: Some Insights from STS. In: Alexandrov D., Boukhanovsky A., Chugunov A., Kabanov Y., Koltsova O. (eds) Digital Transformation and Global Society. DTGS 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 859. Springer, Cham: pp 125-133. Zemnukhova L.V. Digitalization as a Sociotechnical Process: Some Insights from STS. In: Alexandrov D., Boukhanovsky A., Chugunov A., Kabanov Y., Koltsova O. (eds) Digital Transformation and Global Society. DTGS 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 859. Springer, Cham: pp 125-133.ISSN 1865-0929DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-02846-6_10Размещена на сайте: 11.12.18 Поискать полный текст на Google AcademiaСсылка при цитировании:Zemnukhova L.V. Digitalization as a Sociotechnical Process: Some Insights from STS. In: Alexandrov D., Boukhanovsky A., Chugunov A., Kabanov Y., Koltsova O. (eds) Digital Transformation and Global Society. DTGS 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 859. Springer, Cham: pp 125-133. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-02846-6_10.Zemnukhova L.V. Digitalization as a Sociotechnical Process: Some Insights from STS. In: Alexandrov D., Boukhanovsky A., Chugunov A., Kabanov Y., Koltsova O. (eds) Digital Transformation and Global Society. DTGS 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 859. Springer, Cham: pp 125-133. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-02846-6_10.Авторы:Земнухова Л.В.АннотацияThe production and implementation of digital technologies face multiple restrictions, limitations, obstacles, and barriers. The more ubiquitous they become, the more social situations and interactions they take part in. One of the possible ways to understand more about digitalization is to deconstruct the process of dissemination of technologies and innovations as well as intangible knowledge. The paper represents a mixture review of methodological perspectives, which help to grasp the complexity of sociotechnical relations. It involves studies of the knowledge production, artifacts spreading, and innovation diffusion in order to approach digitalization as sociotechnical phenomena. The production and implementation of digital technologies face multiple restrictions, limitations, obstacles, and barriers. The more ubiquitousthey become, the more social situations and interactions they take part in. Oneof the possible ways to understand more about digitalization is to deconstruct the process of dissemination of technologies and innovations as well as intangible knowledge. The paper represents a mixture review of methodological perspectives, which help to grasp the complexity of sociotechnical relations. It involves studies of the knowledge production, artifacts spreading, and innovation diffusion in order to approach digitalization as sociotechnical phenomena.Ключевые слова: digitalization sociotechnical process users sts Рубрики: Смежные дисциплиныВозможно, вам будут интересны другие публикации:Приключения технологий: барьеры цифровизации в России : [монография] / Л. В. Земнухова [и др.]. — М. — СПб. : ФНИСЦ РАН, 2020. — 282 с.Земнухова Л. В.Когда О’кей, Гугл не справляется: как найти психотерапевта в мире людей и технологий // Laboratorium: журнал социальных исследований. 2019. № 11(1). С. 166–176.Земнухова Л. В.(2018) Социотехническое в цифровой социологии: методологические возможности и ограничения // Социология власти, 30(3): 54-68.Zelenko B.I. The role of digital network in the political socialization of virtual agents. Materials of the International Conference «Process Management and Scientific Developments» (Birmingham, United Kingdom, March 31, 2020). P. 47-50.Земнухова Л. В.Социальные исследования технологий: эволюция и взаимодействие подходов // Экономическая социология. 2018. Т. 19. №5. С. 113-129.