Irina Grigoryeva, Oksana Parfenova and Alexandra Dmitrieva (2021). Social Policy for Older People in the Post-Soviet Space: How do Pension Systems and Social Services Influence Social Exclusion? In: Walsh, K., Scharf, T., Van Regenmortel, S., Wanka, A. (Eds.) Social Exclusion in Later Life: Interdisciplinary and Policy Perspectives. International Perspectives on Aging, Volume 28. Springer. P. 436-450. DOI: 10.1007 ... Irina Grigoryeva, Oksana Parfenova and Alexandra Dmitrieva (2021). Social Policy for Older People in the Post-Soviet Space: How do Pension Systems and Social Services Influence Social Exclusion? In: Walsh, K., Scharf, T., Van Regenmortel, S., Wanka, A. (Eds.) Social Exclusion in Later Life: Interdisciplinary and Policy Perspectives. International Perspectives on Aging, Volume 28. Springer. P. 436-450. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-51406-8.ISBN 978-3-030-51406-8; ISSN 2197-5841DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-51406-8Размещена на сайте: 01.06.21 Поискать полный текст на Google AcademiaСсылка при цитировании:Irina Grigoryeva, Oksana Parfenova and Alexandra Dmitrieva (2021). Social Policy for Older People in the Post-Soviet Space: How do Pension Systems and Social Services Influence Social Exclusion? In: Walsh, K., Scharf, T., Van Regenmortel, S., Wanka, A. (Eds.) Social Exclusion in Later Life: Interdisciplinary and Policy Perspectives. International Perspectives on Aging, Volume 28. Springer. P. 436-450. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-51406-8. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-51406-8.Irina Grigoryeva, Oksana Parfenova and Alexandra Dmitrieva (2021). Social Policy for Older People in the Post-Soviet Space: How do Pension Systems and Social Services Influence Social Exclusion? In: Walsh, K., Scharf, T., Van Regenmortel, S., Wanka, A. (Eds.) Social Exclusion in Later Life: Interdisciplinary and Policy Perspectives. International Perspectives on Aging, Volume 28. Springer. P. 436-450. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-51406-8. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-51406-8.Авторы:Григорьева И.А., Парфенова О.А., Дмитриева А.АннотацияThis chapter considers pension protection and social services in the post-Soviet space as forms of social policy that can protect older people from risks of social exclusion. We draw on the example of two countries, Russia and Ukraine, which share a common Soviet background. Until relatively recently, both countries held a similar position with regard to the pension protection and social security of old people. However, recent reforms in the area of pensions and social services have generated various possible ways for the development of both countries. In Ukraine, pension reform took place in 2017, and can be described as “softer” in comparison with the Russian version. Ukrainian reform does not involve raising the retirement age, but rather increases the length of service required to retire. Pension reform in Russia has been taking place before our eyes, in 2018-19. It assumes a sharp rise in the retirement ages for men and women. In addition to addressing pension reform, the chapter considers in more detail social services for older people in Russia and Ukraine. In broad terms, the chapter seeks to answer the following question: How do modern pension reforms and the structure of social services in the post-Soviet space (for example, Russia and Ukraine) affect the social exclusion of older people? Ключевые слова: aging post-soviet space pension system social services Оглавлениескрыть оглавлениепоказать оглавлениеContents Acknowledgements....................................................................................................................i Editors and contributors.........................................................................................................ii List of Tables..........................................................................................................................xiv List of Figures........................................................................................................................xvi 1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................1 1.1The Intersection of Ageing and Social Exclusion...............................................................2 Kieran Walsh, Thomas Scharf, Sofie Van Regenmortel and Anna Wanka 2 Economic Exclusion........................................................................................................24 2.1 Introduction: Framing Economic Exclusion.....................................................................25 Jim Ogg and Michal Myck 2.2 Socio-demographic risk factors related to material deprivation among older persons in Europe: A comparative analysis based on the SHARE data.............................................30 Merle Sumil-Laanemaa, Luule Sakkeus, Allan Puur and Lauri Leppik 2.3 Unemployment at 50+: economic and psychosocial consequences..................................48 Elke Murdock, Marceline Filbig and Rita Borges Neves 2.4 Coping Mechanisms of Divorced and Widowed Older Women to Mitigate Economic Exclusion: A Qualitative Study in Turkey and Serbia......................................................64 Hande Barlin, Katarina Vojvodic, Murat Anil Mercan and Aleksandra Milicevic Kalasic 3 Exclusion from Social Relations....................................................................................80 3.1 Introduction: Framing exclusion from social relations.....................................................81 Vanessa Burholt and Marja Aartsen 3.2 Exclusion from social relations among older people in rural Britain and Belgium: A cross-national exploration taking a life-course and multi-level perspective.....................88 Sofie Van Regenmortel, Bethan Winter, Angelika Thelin, Vanessa Burholt and Liesbeth De Donder 3.3 Revisiting loneliness: Individual and country-level changes..........................................108 Deborah Morgan, Lena Dahlberg, Charles Waldegrave, SarmitėMikulionienė, Gražina Rapolienė, Giovanni Lamura and Marja Aartsen 3.4 Conflicting Relations, Abuse and Discrimination Experience by Older Adults.............131 Charles Waldegrave, Marja Aartsen, Ariela Lowenstein, Marjaana Seppänen, Mia Niemi, Maria Gabriella Melchiorre and Giovanni Lamura 4 Exclusion from Services................................................................................................149 4.1 Introduction: Framing exclusion from services..............................................................150 Veerle Draulans and Giovanni Lamura 4.2 Reversed mobilities as a means to combat older people’s exclusion from services: Insights from two alpine territories in France and Italy..................................................157 FlorentCholatandLucaDaconto 4.3 Exclusion from home care services in Central and Eastern European countries: a focus on Hungary and the Russian Federation..............................................................................174 Zsuzsa Széman, Elena Golubeva and László Patyán 4.4 Receiving Care through Digital Health Technologies: Drivers and Implications of Old-Age Digital Health Exclusion.........................................................................................188 Francesco Barbabella, Ioannis Kostakis and Arianna Poli 5 Community and Spatial Exclusion..............................................................................204 5.1 Introduction: Framing community and spatial exclusion................................................205 Isabelle Tournier and Lucie Vidovićová 5.2 Towards a structural embeddedness of space in the framework of the social exclusion of older people.....................................................................................................................213 Matthias Drilling, Hannah Grove, Byron Ioannou and Thibauld Moulaert 5.3 The relationship between place and life-course transitions in old-age social exclusion: a cross-country analysis.....................................................................................................233 Anna Urbaniak, Anna Wanka, Kieran Walsh and Frank Oswald 5.4 Ageing and caring in rural environments: cross-national insights from Central Europe....................................................................................................................................249 Lucie Vidovićová, Monika Alisch, Susanne Kümpers and Jolanta Perek-Bialas 6 Civic Exclusion..............................................................................................................267 6.1 Introduction: Framing civic exclusion............................................................................268 Sandra Torres 6.2 Reconceptualising exclusion from civic engagement in later life: Towards a new research agenda.............................................................................................................................274 Rodrigo Serrat, Thomas Scharf and Feliciano Villar 6.3 Cultural Exclusion in Old Age –A Social-Exclusion Perspective on Cultural Practice in Later Life.........................................................................................................................290 Vera Gallistl 6.4 Sidestepping rights: an analysis of the intersection of human rights obligations and their practical implications for older migrants........................................................................309 Ada Lui Gallassi and Lars Harrysson 7 Interrelationships between Different Domains of Exclusion....................................324 7.1 Introduction: Framing exclusion interrelationships........................................................325 Lena Dahlberg 7.2 Older people in long-term care institutions: A case of multidimensional social exclusion..................................................................................................................................33 Feliciano Villar, Rodrigo Serrat, Annette Bilfeldt and Joe Larragy 7.3Two dimensions of social exclusion: economic deprivation and dynamics of loneliness during later life in Europe...............................................................................................350 Michal Myck, Charles Waldegrave, Lena Dahlberg 7.4 Beyond accessibility: Transport system as a societal structure supporting inclusion in late life................................................................................................................................369 Anu Siren 7.5 Homelessness trends in ageing literature in the context of domains of social exclusion384 Nilufer Korkmaz-Yaylagul and Ahmet Melik Bas 8 Policy and Social Exclusion in Later Life...................................................................399 8.1 Introduction: Policy to reduce late-life social exclusion –from aspirations to action....400 Norah Keating and Maria Cheshire-Allen 8.2 Older Age Exclusion and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development....................406 Patricia Conboy 8.3 The role of pension policies in preventing old age exclusion.........................................423 Jim Ogg 8.4 Social Policy for Older People in the Post-Soviet Space: How do Pension Systems and Social Services Influence Social Exclusion?..................................................................436 Irina Grigoryeva, Oksana Parfenova and Alexandra Dmitrieva 8.5 How can urban design and architecture support spatial inclusion for nursing home residents?.........................................................................................................................450 John Andersen, Annette Bilfeldt, Marianne Mahler and Lone Sigbrand 8.6 Old-age digital exclusion as a policy challenge in Estonia and Finland.........................464 Anu Leppiman, Iivi Riivits-Arkonsuo and Anneli Pohjola8.7Social Exclusion in older age and theEuropean Pillar of Social Rights.........................478 Maciej Kucharczyk 9 Conclusion......................................................................................................................491 9.1 Advancing Research and Policy on Social Exclusion of older people: Towards a coherent and critical discourse.......................................................................................................492 Thomas Scharf, Kieran Walsh, Sofie Van Regenmortel and Anna WankaРубрики: Политическая социологияРегиональная социологияВозможно, вам будут интересны другие публикации:Parfenova O.A. Caring for Older People in The Post-Soviet Space: The Case Of Russia. Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy. 2021. Vol. 12. No. 2. Pp. 67-85.Григорьева И. А., Равчик М. И.Экосистема городских сервисов (ЭГС): приоритетные потребности в социальных (электронных) услугах старшего поколения // Журнал исследований социальной политики. 2023. Т. 21. № 3. С. 551-564.Григорьева И. А., Петухова И. С.Теоретический подход «Cтарение на месте» и возможности его популяризации в России // Успехи геронтологии. 2022. Т. 35. № 5. С. 662-667.Равчик М. И., Григорьева И. А.Приоритетные потребности старшего поколения в социальных (электронных) услугах // Успехи геронтологии. 2024. Т. 37. №. 3. С. 170-176.Парфенова О. А., Петухова И.С.Конкуренция за заботу о пожилых: тактики социальных сервисов в новых условиях // Мониторинг общественного мнения: Экономические и социальные перемены. 2019. № 4. С. 173—186.