Gadzhimuradova G.I. Muslims In Europe Between “European”And “Islamic”Values: Identity Crisis. Balkan Journal of Philosophy, 2020, Vol. 12, Issue 2, pp. 133-138. Gadzhimuradova G.I. Muslims In Europe Between “European”And “Islamic”Values: Identity Crisis. Balkan Journal of Philosophy, 2020, Vol. 12, Issue 2, pp. 133-138.ISSN 1313-888XDOI: 10.5840/bjp202012216 РИНЦ:Размещена на сайте: 14.12.20 Поискать полный текст на Google AcademiaСсылка при цитировании:Gadzhimuradova G.I. Muslims In Europe Between “European”And “Islamic”Values: Identity Crisis. Balkan Journal of Philosophy, 2020, Vol. 12, Issue 2, pp. 133-138. DOI: 10.5840/bjp202012216 .Gadzhimuradova G.I. Muslims In Europe Between “European”And “Islamic”Values: Identity Crisis. Balkan Journal of Philosophy, 2020, Vol. 12, Issue 2, pp. 133-138. DOI: 10.5840/bjp202012216 .Авторы:Гаджимурадова Г.И.АннотацияA world in constant motion, in a state of migration turbulence, presents humanity with new challenges and risks. Globalization is a blessing or a tragedy for humanity, occasioning the problem of how to preserve one’s identity, remaining “one’s own among strangers” while, at the same time, not becoming “a stranger among one’s own.” Integration processes in the world today are met with resistance by multidirectional processes that encourage a critical engagement with all spheres of life in modern society in order to counteract forces of depersonalization and the disappearance of one's identity – one's self – as expressed in the preservation of one's ethnic group, culture, religion, and so on. This is especially evident in attempts at preserving identity within Muslim communities in European countries. Given the growing Muslim population in Europe, it has become obvious that “European” and “Islamic” values are opposed in the context of preserving one's own identity, which is increasingly manifested in a religiouscontext. Europe today has become a hostage of its values, which are despised by many of the immigrants who have poured into its borders. These are tolerance, political correctness, multiculturalism, democracy, and freedom of speech, among others, which are perceived as weakness and indecision. Eastern mentality, habits, and traditions are sometimes very different from European ones. The author examines the transformation of Muslim identity and the compatibility of “European” and “Islamic” values. The article also presents the opinions of various researchers on this issue, and provides possible scenarios for the trajectory of events, given continued intercultural contact through immigration and given the stakes and state of this collision of values.Ключевые слова: globalization integration migration crisis identity “islamic” and “european” values Рубрики: Мировая политика и глобализацияВозможно, вам будут интересны другие публикации:Гаджимурадова Г. И., Апанович М.Ю., Медведь В. А.Секьюритизация миграционной политики стран Европы в эпоху миграционной турбулентности // Вопросы национальных и федеративных отношений. 2020. Том 10. № 10 (67). C. 2494-2505Леденева В. Ю., Рахмонов А. Х.Исламский фактор и миграционные процессы в странах Западной Европы: механизмы влияния и перспективы // Миграционное право. 2022. № 2. С. 26-30.Мчедлова М. М.Дискурс нового космополитизма как современная утопия//SCHOLA-2015: Материалы Третьей международной научной конференции Политика в текстах — тексты в политике: наука истории идей и учений / Под ред. А. Ю. Шутова и А. А. Ширинянца. Сост. А. И. Волошин. — М.: Издательство Политическая энциклопедия, 2015. С. 253-258.Гусев А. А.Современные концептуальные подходы к исследованию мировых интеграционных процессов // Научное обозрение. 2016. №4. С. 49-57.Пандемия COVID-19: Вызовы, последствия, противодействие: [монография] / А.В. Торкунов, С.В. Рязанцев, В.К. Левашов [и др.]; Под ред. А.В. Торкунова, С.В. Рязанцева, В.К. Левашова; вступ. слово А.В. Торкунова. — М.: Издательство Аспект Пресс, 2021. — 248 с.