Kanygin G.V., Kononova O.V. Expression of Tacit Knowledge by Actors of Smart Technologies Kanygin G.V., Kononova O.V. Expression of Tacit Knowledge by Actors of Smart Technologies // Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Scientific Services & Internet (SSI-2020) Novorossiysk-Abrau (online), Russia, September 21-25, 2020. P. 98-112, http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2784/rpaper09.pdf.ISSN 1613-0073Размещена на сайте: 04.01.20Текст статьи на сайте конференции URL: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2784/rpaper09.pdf (дата обращения 04.01.2021)Ссылка при цитировании:Kanygin G.V., Kononova O.V. Expression of Tacit Knowledge by Actors of Smart Technologies // Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Scientific Services & Internet (SSI-2020) Novorossiysk-Abrau (online), Russia, September 21-25, 2020. P. 98-112, http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2784/rpaper09.pdf.Kanygin G.V., Kononova O.V. Expression of Tacit Knowledge by Actors of Smart Technologies. In: Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Scientific Services & Internet (SSI-2020) Novorossiysk-Abrau (online), Russia, September 21-25, 2020. P. 98-112, http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2784/rpaper09.pdf.Авторы:Каныгин Г.В., Кононова О.В.АннотацияIndustry 4.0 is an ever-expanding set of complementary smart technologies and at the same time a system of social interactions of people through technologies. The bottleneck of Industry 4.0 is a discrepancy of, on the one hand, informal dealing with knowledge performed by people meaningfully by means of natural language. On the other hand, the representations and operations of knowledge those being assumed and executed by computer without reference to human's reasoning. As a promising way to overcome this inconsistency, the article analyzes possibility of smart technologies development based on the concept of dual knowledge of Polanyi. There has been done an analysis of researches which touch the concept of dual knowledge and which propose methods to apply the concept in practice. The paper emphasizes the importance of taking into account the features of the use of natural language as a pragmatic way of expressing tacit knowledge by actors of smart technologies. To assist actors expressing their latent ideas the paper proposes a visual linking mechanism (VLM) for natural language utterances. VLM allows creating a technology that assists a person in a “spiral” process of expressing tacit knowledge and coordinates his own outcomes with the views of other people. The article explains the functioning of the VLM by the example of the expression of ordinary human knowledge and reports VLM instrumental features.Ключевые слова: индустрия 4 икт неявное знание человеко-машинное взаимодействие моделирование социальных процессов неявные знания визуальное представление информации industry 4 ict tacit knowledge, human-machine interaction, modeling of social processes, latent knowledge, visual representation of information Рубрики: Методология социологииВозможно, вам будут интересны другие публикации:Kanygin G., Kononova O. (2021) Conceptual Approach to Express Tacit Knowledge by Human–Machine Interactions. In: Zaramenskikh E., Fedorova A. (eds) Digital Transformation and New Challenges. Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation, vol 45. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-71397-3_5Каныгин Г. В., Кононова О. В.Прагматическая эпистемология: подходы к выражению неявного знания социальными акторами // Социология науки и технологий. 2021. Т. 12. № 4. С. 93-115.Каныгин Г. В., Полтинникова М. С.Визуальное представление неявного знания в «умных» технологиях Industry 4.0 // Известия Санкт-Петербургского государственного экономического университета. 2020. №5. C. 163-170.Каныгин Г. В., Полтинникова М. С.Социологическое знание как результат синтеза формальных и неформальных методов изучения общества // Петербургская социология сегодня. 2020. № 13-14. С. 222-233.Каныгин Г. В., Полтинникова М. С.Аппарат научного знания в социологии: постановка задачи // Телескоп: журнал социологических и маркетинговых исследований. 2019. №1. С. 27-32.