Ermolaeva P., Ermolaeva Y., Basheva O. et al. The Russian Urban Sustainability Puzzle. How Can Russian Cities be Green? Emerald Publishing Limited. Bingley. 2021. 128 p. Ermolaeva P., Ermolaeva Y., Basheva O. et al. The Russian Urban Sustainability Puzzle. How Can Russian Cities be Green? Emerald Publishing Limited. Bingley. 2021. 128 p.ISBN 978-1-83982-631-3DOI: НетРазмещена на сайте: 01.02.21Текст книги на сайте издателя URL: (дата обращения 01.02.2021)Ссылка при цитировании:Ermolaeva P., Ermolaeva Y., Basheva O. et al. The Russian Urban Sustainability Puzzle. How Can Russian Cities be Green? Emerald Publishing Limited. Bingley. 2021. 128 p. DOI: Нет.Ermolaeva P., Ermolaeva Y., Basheva O. et al. The Russian Urban Sustainability Puzzle. How Can Russian Cities be Green? Emerald Publishing Limited. Bingley. 2021. 128 p. DOI: Нет.Авторы:Ермолаева П.О., Ермолаева Ю.В., Башева О.А., Кузнецова И.Б., Корунова В.О.АннотацияThis book provides a comprehensive analysis of the socio-environmental issues and sustainability challenges facing Russian cities. It encompasses a three-year project in Moscow and Kazan which includes population surveys, mass-media analysis, and interviews with different groups of stakeholders. The authors offer extensive analysis of the main components of sustainable cities such as air and water quality, sustainable transport and mobility, energy efficiency and energy consumption, waste management, green and blue zones, environmental governance and politics. The conclusion provides critical reflections on how understandings of Russia's sustainability challenges can be used to build more tailored and effective environmental governance for its cities.Ключевые слова: socio-environmental issues sustainability challenges russia moscow kazan Оглавлениескрыть оглавлениепоказать оглавлениеCONTENTS List of Figures vii About the Contributors ix List of Contributors xi Acknowledgments xiii Introduction 1 P. Ermolaeva 1. Russian Sustainable Cities: “Putting the Puzzle Together” 5 P. Ermolaeva, V. Korunova, O. Basheva and Y. Ermolaeva 2. Puzzle 1: Air and Water Quality 19 I. Kuznetsova and V. Korunova 3. Puzzle 2: Sustainable Transport and Mobility 31 P. Ermolaeva 4. Puzzle 3: Energy Efficiency and Energy Consumption 43 Y. Ermolaeva 5. Puzzle 4: Waste Management 57 Y. Ermolaeva and P. Ermolaeva 6. Puzzle 5: Green and Blue Zones 71 O. Basheva and I. Kuznetsova 7. Puzzle 6: Environmental Governance and Politics 83 O. Basheva, V. Korunova and I. Kuznetsova Conclusion 97 P. Ermolaeva, Y. Ermolaeva, O. Basheva, I. Kuznetsova and V. Korunova References 107 Index 131Рубрики: ЭкосоциологияСоциология пространства и городаВозможно, вам будут интересны другие публикации:Ermolaeva P.O., Ermolaeva J.V., Kuznetsova I.B., Basheva O.A., Korunova V.O. Environmental issues in Russian cities: towards the understanding of regional and national mass-media discourse. Russian Journal of Communication. 2020. Vol. 12. No. 1. Pp. 48-65.Ермолаева П. О., Башева О. А., Яницкий О. Н., Ермолаева Ю. В., Кузнецова И.Б.Социально-экологическая устойчивость через изменения российских городов: поиск теоретико-методологических перспектив // Мониторинг общественного мнения: Экономические и социальные перемены. 2019. № 2. С. 80—94. https://doi.or/10.14515/monitoring.2019.2.04.Ermolaeva P.O., Basheva O.A., Ermolaeva Y.V., Egorova L.G. Measuring sustainable cities in Russia: critical analysis of key methodologies. Amazonia Investiga, 2018, Vol.7, Issue 14, pp. 381-387.Ermolaeva Y. Towards the sustainable energy in post-soviet russia (the case study of Moscow and Kazan). National academy of managerial staff of culture and arts herald , 2018, Issue 2(2), pp. 292-295.Ермолаева П. О., Башева О. А., Ермолаева Ю. В.«Между виртуальным и физическим»: контуры цифрового активизма экологических некоммерческих организаций России // Журнал исследований социальной политики. 2023. Т. 21. № 2. С. 241-258.