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( ) // : . . . . : . .: (), 2017. . 3(62). . 148 150.
ISSN 2072-6015
: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=30485543

: 26.10.17

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 .. ( ) // : . . . . : . .: (), 2017. . 3(62). . 148 150.
Kornilova M.V. Social Policy in the Context of Sociological Researches (On Materials of Conference of Young Scientists in the is RAS). P.O.I.S.K. (Policy. Social Science. Art. Sociology. Culture.): scientific and socio-cultural journal: .: MGUPS (MIIT), 2017. Edition 3(62). P. 148 - 150.

, 19-20 2017 , ͠ : . , : , , , .


social policy sociological research young scientists


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