
- // XXI : : [ - ] [ ] / . . .. - . .: - , 2018. . 597-602. 1 D ROM.
ISBN 904-5-904804-25-1

: 26.12.18

Google Academia


 .. - // XXI : : [ - ] [ ] / . . .. - . .: - , 2018. . 597-602. 1 D ROM.
Odinokova V.A. Research Center for the Sociology of Childhood at the Sociological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences - Branch of the Federal Research Center for Physics and Science. In: Childhood of the 21st Century: Socio-Humanitarian Thesaurus: Topical Reference Dictionary: [Electronic resource] / Ed. ed. S.N.Mayorova-Shcheglova. M .: Izd-vo ROS, 2018. P. 597-602. 1 D ROM.


- research center sociology of childhood


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