Abramov, R. (2020). Do It Yourself Monopoly in the Late Soviet Period, The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review, 47(2), 185-204. doi: https: ... Abramov, R. (2020). Do It Yourself Monopoly in the Late Soviet Period, The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review, 47(2), 185-204. doi: https://doi.org/10.30965/18763324-04702003ISSN 1876-3324DOI: 10.30965/18763324-04702003Размещена на сайте: 09.11.20 Поискать полный текст на Google AcademiaСсылка при цитировании:Abramov, R. (2020). Do It Yourself Monopoly in the Late Soviet Period, The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review, 47(2), 185-204. doi: https://doi.org/10.30965/18763324-04702003 DOI: 10.30965/18763324-04702003.Abramov, R. (2020). Do It Yourself Monopoly in the Late Soviet Period, The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review, 47(2), 185-204. doi: https://doi.org/10.30965/18763324-04702003 DOI: 10.30965/18763324-04702003.Авторы:Абрамов Р.Н.АннотацияThis article examines the role of the monetary world inclusion in the world of children’s games in the late Soviet period by opening a previously unknown page of board games’ social history in the USSR and describes the practices of playing Do It Yourself (DIY) Monopoly by Soviet children in the 1980s. Soviet teenagers used friendly relationships to exchange tacit knowledge about the basic rules of the board business game. They made playing fields and developed the rules of the game, using school knowledge about the principles of the capitalist economy. The article shows the game rules’ evolution of the DIY Soviet Monopoly versions and shows the creativity of the Soviet teenagers in the re-invention of the rules of the board business game. DIY Monopolyversions were a form of adaptation of western goods to socialist conditions, which were common practice in the Soviet Union since its inception.Ключевые слова: soviet board games monopoly globalization social memory soviet union Рубрики: Социология культурыВозможно, вам будут интересны другие публикации:Barash R. (2018) Mythologization of the Soviet Past and Prospects for Historical Reconciliation in Russia. In: Lily Gardner Feldman, Raisa Barash, Samuel Goda, André Zempelburg. The Former Soviet Union and East Central Europe between Conflict and Reconciliation. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht: 49-64.Kołonicki, B., Mackiewicz, M. Idle Memory? The 1917 Anniversary in Russia. In: Circles of the Russian Revolution: Internal and International Consequences of the Year 1917 in Russia/ Ed. by B.Gajos, Ł.Adamski. L. : Routledge, 2019. Ch.15.Макаревич Э.Ф., Карпухин О. И.Интеллектуальная культура власти и национальная безопасность // Социально-гуманитарные знания. 2019. № 3. С. 7-36.Rozhdestvenskaya E., Semenova V., Tartakovskaya I., Kozela K. (eds). Collective Memories in War. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2016. 196 pp.Бараш Р. Э.Наука о памяти: системно-коммуникативный взгляд // История и философия науки в эпоху перемен: сборник научных статей / Научн. ред. и сост. И.Т. Касавина, Т.Д. Соколовой, П.Д. Тищенко, Е.Г. Гребенщиковой , И.З. Шишкова: В 6 томах. Т. 6. [Электронный ресурс]. – Москва: Изд - во «Русское общество истории и философии наук и », 2018. С. 132-134.