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11701. Попова И. П., Темницкий А. Л.
I.P. Popova, A.L. Temnitskii. On the Problem of Structural Changes in Intellectual and Professional Potential [of the Russian Population] // Russian Education and Society. 2012. №5.

11702. Kryshtanovskaia O., Voronkova O., Sidorova A. The Russian Establishment Paths and Means of Renewal // Russian Politics and Law. Published/Hosted by M. E. Sharpe Inc., Vol. 50, No. 1, January-February 2012. Pp. 84-100.

11703. Kryshtanovskaya O. Formaty rossiiskoi Vlasti // Russian Politics and Law. Published/Hosted by M. E. Sharpe Inc., Vol. 50, No. 3/ May-June 2012. Pp. 7-17.

11704. Magun V., Rudnev M. Basic Values of Russians and Other Europeans // Problems of Economic Transition. 2012. Vol. 54. No. 10. P. 31-64.

11705. Nizamova A.E. Characteristics of Specialists' Adaptation to The Conditions of A Society in Transformation // Russian Education and Society, M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 2012, №6, p. 54-79.

11706. Pronina, Elena I. Characteristics of the Teaching of Citizenship and Patriotism to Upper-Grade School Students // Russian Education and Society. 2012. №5. P.77-90.

11707. Аникин В. А.
The Modernization Potential of the Professional Structure of the Employed Population of Russia // Sociological research. November-December 2012. Vol. 51. No. 6.

11708. Козырева П. М.
The social adaptation of the Russian Population in Post-Soviet Period // Sociological Research. 2012. Vol. 51. No. 5. September-October, pp. 74-96.

11709. Tichonova N. The Lower Class in the Social Structure of Russian Society // Sociological Research, Volume 51, Number 5 / September-October M.E.Sharpe, Inc., Armonk, NY, р. 26-44.

11710. Tikhonova N.E. The Dynamics of the Normative-Value System of Russian Society (1995-2010) // Sociological Research, Volume 51, Number 4 / July-August, p. 44-66.

11711. Мукомель В. И.
Vladimir Mukomel. Labour Migration And The Host Country: Russian case // CARIM-East RR 2012/31, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, San Domenico di Fiesole (FI): European University Institute, 2012.

11712. Voronovs V., Krasko V. Patērētāju uzvedība: sociālekonomisko faktoru reģionālā pētījuma pieredze // Daugavpils: Daugavpils Universitātes Akadēmiskais apgāds „Saule”, 2012. - 204 p

11713. White S., Kryshtanovskaya O. Changing the Russian Electoral System: Inside the Black Box // Europe-Asia Studies. Special Issue: Russia's Authoritarian Elections. 11/040557-22 Є 2011 University of Glasgow. DOI: 10.1080/09668136.2011.566424, Vol. 63, No. 4, June 2012, 557–578.


11714. Коломиец В. К.
V. Kolomijec. Michels, Robert (1876–1936) [Text] // A nemzetközi munkásmozgalom történetéből. Évkönyv 2012 / Magyar Lajos Alapitvány. – 2011. – XXXVIII. évfolyam. – 312-314. old.

11715. Бессокирная Г. П.
Bessokirnaia G.P. The Dynamics of Workers Values and Labor Motives ( 2003-2007) // Sociological Research. vol.50. no.6. November-December 2011. pp.17-31.

11716. Cherednichenko G. The Educational and Professional Trajectories of Secondary School Graduates // Russian Education Society. 2011. Vol. 53. Issue 8. Pages: 19-35. URL: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/mres20/53/8?nav=tocList

11717. Cherednichenko G. The Employment and Professional Educational Trajectories of Young People // Russian Education and Society. 2011. Vol. 53. Issue 12. Pages: 36-66. URL: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/mres20/53/12?nav=tocList

11718. Константиновский Д. Л.
Contemporary Themes in the Sociology of Education // Manuscript for International Journal of Contemporary Sociology vol. 48, (1), 117-147, 2011

11719. Dementieva, Izabella F. Prevention of domestic violence against children // Russian Sociology in Turbulent Times / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2011, pp. 786-787. 1 CD ROM

11720. Dutchak, Irina V., Ivannikova, Olesya, Y. The Russian youth on the way to marriage and parenting // Russian Sociology in Turbulent Times / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2011, pp. 619-621. 1 CD ROM

11721. Shlapentokh V., Woods J.
Feudal America. Elements of the Middle Ages in contemporary society. University Park, PA: Penn State Press, 2011. 184 pages

11722. Gorshkov, Mikhail K. Post Reform Russia as a New Social Reality Sociological Analysis of Social Structure // Russian Sociology in Turbulent Times / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2011, pp. 54-68. 1 CD ROM

11723. Grishaeva, Natalia P. Investigation of parent s and primary school aged children s preferences of joint pastime in megapolis // Russian Sociology in Turbulent Times / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2011, pp. 795-796. 1 CD ROM

11724. Gurko, Tatiana A., Orlova Natalya A. The development of teenagers personality in different family types // Russian Sociology in Turbulent Times / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2011, pp. 869-876. 1 CD ROM

11725. Яжборовская И. С.
Il caso Katyn: storia e articolazione del discorso ufficiale in Russia, di Inessa Jažborovskaja // Societa totalitarie e transizione alla democrazia. Saggi in memoria di Victor Zaslavsky. Societa editrice il Mulino, 2011.-с. 241-270.

11726. Jazhborovskaya I. The Katyn Case: Working to Know the Truth // Social Sciences. Russian Academy ofS Sciences. 2011.VOL. 42. № 4, p. 34-50.ial

11727. Kozyreva P.M., Nizamova A.N., Smirnov A.I. E luo si ge jie ceng de xiao fei yu sheng huo fang shi: cheng xiang fen hua yu duo yang xing// Jin Zhuan Guo Jia She Hui Fen Ceng: Bian Qian Yu Bi Jiao (Social Stratification in the BRIC Countries: Changes and Perspectives) / Ed. Li Peilin, M.K. Gorshkov, C. Scalon, K.L. Sharma. Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2011. P. 474—492.

11728. Kravchenko, Sergey A. The dynamics of the sociological imagination // Russian Sociology in Turbulent Times / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2011, pp. 97-110. 1 CD ROM

11729. Kravchenko, Sergey A. The formation of the network human capital under the conditions of turbulance // Russian Sociology in Turbulent Times / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2011, pp. 111-114. 1 CD ROM

11730. Mansurov, Valeriy A., Yurchenko Olesya The Anglo-American and Russian Sociology of Professions: Comparisons and Perspectives // Russian Sociology in Turbulent Times / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2011, pp. 54-68. 1 CD ROM

11731. Мансуров В. А., Юрченко О. В.
Mansurov, Valeriy A., Yurchenko Olesya. The Dynamics of Status and Professional Values of Russian Doctors at the Time of Health Care Reforms // Russian Sociology in Turbulent Times / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2011, pp. 682-705. 1 CD ROM

11732. Mukhanova, Maria N. The dynamics of socio-professional structure of the Russian village // Russian Sociology in Turbulent Times / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2011, pp. 398-400. 1 CD ROM

11733. Тихонова Н. Е.
Natalja E. Tichonova. Armut in Russland // RUSSLAND-ANALYSEN. NR. P. 2-10. URL: http://www.laender-analysen.de/russland/pdf/Russlandanalysen222.pdf

11734. Natalja E. Tichonova. Characteristics of the Russian Lower Class // Russian Education & Society Print. Volume 53, Number 12 / December 2011, р. 3-28.

11735. Чирикова А. Е., Лапина Н.Ю.
Odnowa elity politycznej – sstudium porownawcze Rosji I Francji // Studia Polityczne, Instytut studiow politycznych Polkiej AKADEMII NAUK. Warszawa #R27. 2011. ( 2 п.л.)

11736. Olga Kryshtanovskaya, Stephen White. The Formation of Russia’s Network Directorate// Russia as a Network State. What Works in Russia When State Institutions Do Not? Ed. By V.Kononenko, A.Moshes. L.: Palgrave Macmillan. 2011. Pp.19-39. – на англ. яз.

11737. Olga Kryshtanovskaya. The Tandem and the Crisis// Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics. August 2011. Vol. 7. # 2. – на англ. яз.

11738. Orekhova, Anastasiya V. The post professional adaptation of sport champions: gender aspects // Russian Sociology in Turbulent Times / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2011, pp. 404-405. 1 CD ROM

11739. Popova, Irina P. Professionalization in the social sphere: the path of social entrepreneurship // Russian Sociology in Turbulent Times / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2011, pp. 527-540. 1 CD ROM

11740. Pozdnyakova, Margarita E., Moiseeva, Victorya V. Sobriety is a norm of life.Is it a question or reality? // Russian Sociology in Turbulent Times / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2011, pp. 577-583. 1 CD ROM

11741. Чумиков А. Н.
PR: актуальные основания для 2011 года // Российская пиарология: тренды и драйверы. Сборник научных трудов. – Челябинск, ИЦ «Уральская академия», 2011. – 0,3 п.л.

11742. Pronina, Elena I. Civil education at school: problems and new tendencies // Russian Sociology in Turbulent Times / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2011, pp. 881-886. 1 CD ROM

11743. Russian Sociology in Turbulent Times / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2011. 904 pp. 1 CD ROM

11744. S.White, O.Kryshtanovskaya. Russia’s Authoritarian Elections / By S.White, Sarah Birch, O.Kryshtanovskaya etc. London: Routledge, 2011 – 200 pp

11745. Salo, Elena P. Problems of legitimation of healers activities in Russia // Russian Sociology in Turbulent Times / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2011, pp. 750-759. 1 CD ROM

11746. Semenova, Anna . Russian Press: Problem of Terrorism // Russian Sociology in Turbulent Times / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2011, pp. 600-608. 1 CD ROM

11747. Лежнина Ю. П.
Sociodemographic Factors Determining the Risk of Poverty and Low-Income Poverty // Sociological Research.2011. № 50/2. C. 13—31.

11748. Bruckmeier K.
Sociology and ecology – a new theoretical Synthesis// Давыдовские чтения: исторические горизонты теоретической социологии. Сборник научных докладов симпозиума, 13-14 октября 2011 г. [Текст] / Под ред. И.Ф. Девятко, Н.К. Орловой. - М.: Институт социологии РАН, 2011. - 276 с.- 200 экз. (в обл.). С. 85-94.

11749. Stephen White, Olga Kryshtanovskaya. Changing the Russian Electoral System: Inside the Black Box// Europe-Asia Studies. 2011. Vol. 63. #4. Pp. 557-579 – на англ. яз

11750. Лежнина Ю. П.
The Family in Value Orientations // Russian Education and Society.2011. Т.53. №2. С.78-92.

11751. Попова И. П.
The Influence of Supplementary Professional Education on the Position of Workers of Various Social and Professional Groups // Russian Education and Society. Vol. 53, no. 5, May 2011, pp. 23–36.

11752. Каплун В.Л.
Thick description как метод социальной науки: Гирц или Райл? // Давыдовские чтения: исторические горизонты теоретической социологии. Сборник научных докладов симпозиума, 13-14 октября 2011 г. [Текст] / Под ред. И.Ф. Девятко, Н.К. Орловой. - М.: Институт социологии РАН, 2011. - 276 с.- 200 экз. (в обл.). С. 35-55.

11753. Коломиец В. К.
V. Kolomijec. “Messziről jövünk és messzire tartunk”. Az olasz Kommunista Párt megalakításának 90. évfordulójárach [Text] // A nemzetközi munkásmozgalom történetéből. Évkönyv 2012 / Magyar Lajos Alapitvány. – 2011. – XXXVIII. évfolyam. – 275-278. old.

11754. Аникин В. А.
Work in the Lives of Russians // Sociological Research. 2011. Т. 50. № 6. C. 3—16.

11755. Yanitsky, Oleg N. Turbulent Times what does it mean // Russian Sociology in Turbulent Times / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2011, pp. 188-192. 1 CD ROM

11756. Поташинская Н. Н.
[Рецензия] на кн.: Salvini G., Zingales L. Сon Salvatore Carruba. Il buono dell, economia: Etica e mercato oltre i luoghi communi. Universitа Bocconi Editore. – Milano. 2010, pp. 190. (Сальвини Дж., Цингалес Л., Карруба С. Экономическое благо: Этика и рынок вне привычных истин. Милан: Университет Боккони. 2010. 190 с.) [Электронный ресурс]. Н.Н. Поташинская // Официальный сайт ИС РАН. - 2011. URL: http://www.isras.ru/publ.html?id=2227


11757. Попова И. П.
Autonomy at work as a feature of flexible employment // Social class in the Russian society. Studies of the social classes and social change of contemporary Russia / ed. by J. Nikula, M. Chernysh. Saarbrucken: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010. P. 80-103.

11758. Cherednichenko G. New Developments in the Education and Professional Activity of Young People // Russian Education and Society. 2010. Vol. 52. Issue 7. P. 3-15. URL: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/mres20/52/7?nav=tocList

11759. Коломиец В. К.
Kolomijec V. Porsnyev, Boris Fjodorovics (1905-1972) // A nemzetközi munkásmozgalom történetéből. Évkönyv 2011. XXXVII. Évfolyam. 2010. 326-330. old.

11760. R.Simonyan. The Baltics: The Pre War Yeas // International Affairs, № 2, 2010, Minneapolis University, p.164-176. (1,2 printed page).

11761. R.Simonyan. The Events of 1939-1940 in the Baltic Countries: Public Perception // Social Sciences., № 1, Minneapolis, 2010, p.34-51. (1,5 printed page)

11762. Яницкий О. Н.
Russian Environmentalism. The Yanitsky Reader.- Moscow: Taus, 2010. - 360 pp, Index.

11763. Russian Sociology on the Move / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2010

11764. Stephen White, Ol’ga Kryshtanovskaya. Changing the Russian Electoral System: Inside the PolBlackBox // Europe-Asia Studies. University of Glasgow. DOI: 10.1080, 2010, Vol. 24, Issue 4, Pp. 585-603.

11765. Коломиец В. К.
[Рецензия] на кн.: Социальная политика в контексте межсекторного взаимодействия / Ин-т соц. РАН; Отв. ред. А.С. Автономов, И.Н. Гаврилова. М.: Изд. Главного архивного управления города Москвы, 2009. 400 с. / Коломиец В.К. // Социологические исследования. - 2010. - №3. - С. 145-147.

11766. Антюшина Н.
[Рецензия] на кн.: Социальная политика в контексте межсекторного взаимодействия/Институт социологии РАН. Отв. ред. А.С.Автономов, И.Н.Гаврилова. М.: Изд-во Главного архивного управления г. Москвы, 2009 г. 400 с. / Антюшина Н. // Человек и труд. 2010. № 7.

11767. Антюшина Н.
[Рецензия] на кн.: Социальная политика в контексте межсекторного взаимодействия/Институт социологии РАН. Отв. ред. А.С.Автономов, И.Н.Гаврилова. М.: Изд-во Главного архивного управления г. Москвы, 2009 г. 400 с. / Антюшина Н.М. // Современная Европа 2010. № 4. С. 147-150.


11768. Давыдов А. А.
Adaptive Supercomputing в системной социологии// Официальный сайт ИC РАН. - 2009. URL:http://www.isras.ru/publ.html?id=1225

11769. Чередниченко Г. А.
Cherednichenko G. The Study of Foreign Languages Aboard. Mastery and Results // Russian Education and Society. 2009. Vol. 51, Issue 4. P. 29-49. URL: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/mres20/51/4?nav=tocList

11770. Crosstalk and communication breakdown in professional interactions in EnglishIn: Manish Vyas (Ed). ELT book. New Delhi: PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., p. 421-435.

11771. Харниш С. И., Майя Х. Дэвид
Crosstalk and communication breakdown in professional interactions in EnglishLanguage in India: Vol. 9:6 June, 2009. URL: http://www.languageinindia.com

11772. Рождественская Е. Ю.
Cловами и телом: травма, нарратив, биография// Травма: Пункты / Сборник статей под ред. С.Ушакина и Е. Трубиной . М.: НЛО, 2009. С. 108-132.

11773. European Society or European Societies: a View from Russia / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. M: Maska, 2009. — 500 p.

11774. Hiring and Promoting Young Civil Servants: Weberian Ideals versus Russian Reality.// Russian bureaucracy and the state / Ed. D.Rowney and E.Huskey. Houndmills:Palgrave Macmillan, 2009

11775. Балабанов С. С., Куконков П. И.
October 1917 in the Minds of Young People Going to SchoolRussian // Education and Society, vol. 51, no. 2, Februari 2009, pp. 44-56. M.E. © 2009 10.2753/RES 1060-93935 10202 Sharpe, Ins. All rights reserved. 80 Business Park Drive, Armonk, NY 10504 /2009.

11776. Давыдов А. А.
Social Robotics и системная социология // Официальный сайт ИC РАН. - 2009. URL:http://www.isras.ru/publ.html?id=1263

11777. Stephen White, Ol’ga Kryshtanovskaya. After Pikalevo // Baltic Rim Economies. Editors-in-chief Hanna Mäkinen and Kari Liuhto, Turku School of Economics, Pan-European Institute, 2009, № 5. p. 26.

11778. Давыдов А. А.
Twine: искусственный интеллект создает социальные взаимодействия// Официальный сайт ИC РАН. - 2009. URL:http://www.isras.ru/publ.html?id=1135

11779. Vivat, Ядов! К 80-летнему юбилею: сборник / Предисл. М.К. Горшкова. М.: Новый хронограф, 2009. - 616 с.: ил. + 16 вкл.

11780. Окольская Л. А.
Work Socialization Messages in Late-Soviet and Post-Soviet Schoolbooks: a Content-Analysis of the Features, Occupations, and Roles of Working Characters// 9th Conference of European Sociological Association European Society or European Societies?. Full papers (CD). Lisbon, 2009.

11781. Коломиец В. К.
[Рецензия] на кн.: Национальная идея: страны, народы, социумы / [отв. ред. Ю.С. Оганисьян] ; Ин-т социологии РАН. - М. : Наука, 2007. - 421 с.В.К. Коломиец // Вопросы истории. - 2009. - №1. - С. 169-172.


11782. Мукомель В. И., Кузнецов И. М., Лившин А.Я., Полунов А.Ю., Батоврина Е.В.
Cоциологический анализ проблем трудоустройства мигрантов: точка зрения рекрутинговых агентств - М.: Центр стратегических инноваций Факультета государственного управления МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова, Институт социологии РАН, 2008.

11783. Frauenbiographien und Frauenerinerungen an den Krieg// Hitlers Sklaven. Lebensgeschichtliche Analysen zur Zwangsarbeit im internationalen Vergleich. Hg. Alexander von Plato, Almut Leh, Christoph Thonfeld. Wien-Koeln-Weimar : Boehlau Verlag, 2008. S.273-284

11784. Modernization in Russia: Challenges to Research and Education / Ed. by Oleg Yanitsky. Moscow: Faculty of Sociology of the State University for the Humanities, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2008. – 32 p.

11785. Айвазова С. Г., Aivazova S.
RUSSIAN ELECTIONS: GENDER PROFILE. M.: Consortium of Women`s Non-Governmental Associations; Institute of of Sociology (Russian Academy of Sciencec), 2008, 147 pages.

11786. Simonyan Renald. Russian and the Baltic Countries. Two Models of Post-Soviet Development. Institute of Sociology RAS; Institute of Economics RAS, 2008. - 288 p.

11787. Яницкий О. Н., Yanitsky Oleg
Sociological Turn?// Официальный сайт ИC РАН. - 2008. URL:http://www.isras.ru/publ.html?id=1120

11788. Попова И. П.
Supplementary Professional Education in the Strategies of Working Specialists, 1995 to 2005 // Russian Education and Society, vol. 50, no. 11, November 2008, pp. 36–58.

11789. Клемент К. М., Clement Carine
The new social movements in Russia as potentially challenging the dominant model of power relationships.// The Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics. 2008.

11790. Малинова О.Ю.
[Рецензия] на кн.: Национальная идея: страны, народы, социумы / [отв. ред. Ю.С. Оганисьян] ; Ин-т социологии РАН. - М. : Наука, 2007. - 421 с. / О. Малинова // Pro et Contra.- сентябрь-декабрь. 2008. - С. 114-118.


11791. Коломиец В. К.
Kolomiez Vjač eslav Il Bel Paese visto da lontano... Immagini politiche dell`Italia in Russia da fine Ottocento ai giorni nostri.- Manduria-Bari-Roma: Piero Lacaita Editore, 2007. - 280 p. - (Società e cultura).

11792. Social-Natural History. Selected lectures I-XVI schools (1992-2007) / Ed. E.Kulpin (Kulpin-Gubaidullin)/ -M.: KomKniga. 2007.

11793. Гельман В.
[Рецензия] на кн.: Институциональная политология: Современный институционализм и политическая трансформация России. Под редакцией С.В. Патрушева. - М.: ИСП РАН, 2006. - 590 с./ В. Гельман // Pro et contra. - 2007. - №1. - С. 118-121.


11794. Cherednichenko G. The Personal Plans of Secondary School Seniors // Russian Education and Society. 2006. Vol. 48. Issue 9. Pages: 60-69 URL: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/mres20/48/9?nav=tocList

11795. Железняков А. С.
IX Международный конгресс монголоведов (Улан-Батор, 8-12 августа 2006 г.) Доклады российских ученых.- М.: Товарищество научных изданий КМК, 2006. - 366 с.

11796. Попова И. П.
S. Ashwin, I. Popova. Professionals in a cold climate: responses to economic transformation in Russia // The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 2006. 17: 8, 1411—1425.


11797. Cherednichenko G. The Life Trajectories of Young People at Different Stages of Education // Russian Education and Society. 2005. Vol. 47. Issue 5. Pages: 7-29. URL: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/mres20/47/5?nav=tocList

11798. Kryshtanovskaya O., White S. Losing Power in Russia // Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, Publisher: Routledge, Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered, 21:2, 200-222, DOI: 10.1080/13523270500108725, 2005, vol. 21, № 2, Pp. 200-222.

11799. Попова И. П.
Res publica. Десятилетие адаптации// Свободная мысль - XXI. 2005. №7. С. 93-108

11800. Stephen White, Ol’ga Kryshtanovskaya. Inside the Putin Court: A Research Note // Europe-Asia Studies. University of Glasgow, Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd, DOI: 10.1080/09668130500302830, vol. 57 no. 7 (November 2005), р. 1065-1075.

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