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His and Her Marriages: a Cross-National Perspective // Roczniki Sociologii Rodziny. 1997. Vol. IX.
Волтерс Линда , Гурко Т. А., Крушинска Велислава


12202. Gurko T. А. Characteristic of the development of adolescent’ personality in different types of families. Russian Education and Society, vol. 38, no. 11, 1996, pp. 7–29.
Гурко Т. А.


12203. Tcherednitchenko G. Les écoles des élites en Russie: leur transformasions et le devenir des élèves // Information des Sciences Sociales. Paris, 1995, sept., vol. 34. P 471-490.
Чередниченко Г. А.


12204. Pauline С. Boss and Tatyana А. Gurko. The Relationships of Men and Women in Marriage // Families Before and After Perestroika: Russian and U.S .Perspectives. Eds. J.W.Maddock, M.J.Hogan, A.I.Antonov, M.S.Matskovsky. N.Y. The Guilford Press, 1993. Pp. 36-75.
Гурко Т. А., Gurko Tatyana , Boss Pauline

12205. Tcherednitchenko G. Un espace réservé. Les écoles spéciales de langues étrangères en Union Soviétique // Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales. Paris, 1993, № 98. P 63-69. URL: http://www.persee.fr/issue/arss_0335-5322_1993_num_98_1
Чередниченко Г. А.

12206. Yanitsky O. Russian Environmentalism: Leading Figures, Facts, Opinions. Moscow. Mezhdunarodnyje Otnoshenija Publishing House. 1993. P. 256.
Яницкий О. Н.


Kolomiez V. Libertà, uguaglianza, fraternità nella coscienza di massa in Italia e in Russia alla fine del XIX secolo // Libertà e cittadinanza sociale. I due ‘89: dalla Rivoluzione francese alla Seconda Internazionale / Scritti di F. Bonamusa...; Fondazione Feltrinelli. Quaderni/41. Milano: Franco Angeli, 1991. P. 63-72.
Коломиец В. К.

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