Pronina E.I. The role of social institutions in the formation of values and norms of SSE students (based on the ROS-2022 study). In: Proceedings of the International Conference “Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration” - Reports in English (November 11, 2023. Beijing, PRC). Beijing. Scientific publishing house Infinity. 2023. P. 125-132. Pronina E.I. The role of social institutions in the formation of values and norms of SSE students (based on the ROS-2022 study). In: Proceedings of the International Conference “Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration” - Reports in English (November 11, 2023. Beijing, PRC). Beijing. Scientific publishing house Infinity. 2023. P. 125-132.ISBN 978-5-905695-82-7DOI: 10.34660/INF.2023.18.62.190Размещена на сайте: 10.01.24 Поискать полный текст на Google AcademiaСсылка при цитировании:Pronina E.I. The role of social institutions in the formation of values and norms of SSE students (based on the ROS-2022 study). In: Proceedings of the International Conference “Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration” - Reports in English (November 11, 2023. Beijing, PRC). Beijing. Scientific publishing house Infinity. 2023. P. 125-132. DOI: 10.34660/INF.2023.18.62.190.Pronina E.I. The role of social institutions in the formation of values and norms of SSE students (based on the ROS-2022 study). In: Proceedings of the International Conference “Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration” - Reports in English (November 11, 2023. Beijing, PRC). Beijing. Scientific publishing house Infinity. 2023. P. 125-132. DOI: 10.34660/INF.2023.18.62.190.Авторы:Пронина Е.И.АннотацияВ статье анализируются данные опроса студентов, получающих среднее профессиональное образование. Опрос был проведен в 2022 году по инициативе Российского общества социологов среди студентов СПО, высших учебных заведений и аспирантов старших курсов на тему “Культурные традиции и связь поколений”[1]. Опрос студентов СПО позволил нам проследить степень влияния связей между поколениями и социальных институтов на установки и ценности молодежи.Ключевые слова:малая группа социальное учреждение студенты среднее профессиональное образование передача ценностей семья средства массовой информации small group social institution students secondary vocational education values transmission family mass media Оглавлениескрыть оглавлениепоказать оглавлениеCONTENTS ECONOMIC SCIENCES 俄罗斯养老金制度模式的现代转型 Modern transformation of the pension system model in Russia Kulikova Elena Ivanovna.......................................................................................9 金融市场从传统组织到算法组织 From traditional to algorithmic organization of the financial market Klioutchnikova Anna Igorevna.............................................................................15 国有公司的投资管理系统,以增加组织在不稳定条件下的业务活动 Investment management system of state corporations to increase the business activity of organizations in conditions of instability Miroshnik George Georgievich............................................................................22 JURIDICAL SCIENCES 城市政府与企业互动法律监管研究的前景预测:协同方法 Forecasting prospects for studying the legal regulation of interactions between government and business in municipalities: a synergetic approach Andreeva Olga Alexandrovna, Yatsenko Olga Vasilievna.........................................30 在执行业务侦查活动中执行预防犯罪任务所使用的刑法规范 The norms of the criminal law used in the execution of the task of preventing crimes in the implementation of operational investigative activities Galakhov Sergey Sergeevich..................................................................................36 腐败作为一种社会消极现象:历史和法律方面 Corruption as a socially negative phenomenon: historical and legal aspects Kotelnikova Oksana Aleksandrovna.......................................................................45 性格强调:人类行为的诊断、分析、预测和管理 Character accentuations: diagnosis, analysis, prognosis and management of human behavior Belykh-Silaev Dmitry Vladimirovich.......................................................................52 PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES 数字时代的教育技术:优点和缺点 Educational technologies in the digital age: pros and cons Vorobyova O.I., Khokhlova L.A............................................................................67 不同知识领域学生移动技能发展的具体情况 The specifics of the development of students Nyudyurmagomedov Abdulahad Nyudyurmagomedovich, Savzikhanova Maryam Abdulakhadovna, Ibragimov Nurbagand Gadzhievich....75 俄罗斯设计教育体系的形成:主要阶段 Formation of the design education system in Russia: the main stages Kuvshinova Galina Anatolievna...........................................................................81 体育运动中预防关节炎 Prevention of arthrosis in physical education and sports Shonus Daria Harlampievna, Istratova Alexandra Sergeevna............................87 民族民间传说在跨文化智力形成中的作用(以俄罗斯民间故事为例) The role of national folklore in the formation of cross-cultural intelligence (using the example of Russian folk tales) Pomigueva Ekaterina Anatolievna.......................................................................98 前数字环境和数字环境与人类健康的干扰 Interference pre-digital environment and digital environment and human’s health Tokareva Marina Victorovna, Malyarchuk Natalya Nikolaevna.........................102 考虑到新手运动员掌握主要竞技动作的遗传倾向,手机游戏对新手运动员速度力物种技术形成的影响 Influence of mobile games on the formation of the technique of speed-force species in novice athletes, taking into account their genetic predisposition to master the main competitive movements Artemeva Svetlana Andreevna, Lutkovsky Vladimir Evgenyevich......................108 在外语学习过程中培养学生的多元文化个性 Developing the multicultural personality of the school students in the process of foreign language learning Korzun Alesia Vladimirovna...............................................................................115 外国学生适应俄罗斯大学学习:困难和障碍 Adaptation of foreign students to studying at a Russian university: difficulties and barriers Vashchilina Anastasiia Yurievna, Malyarchuk Natalya Nikolaevna...................119 SOCIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 社会机构在SSE学生价值观和规范形成中的作用(基于ROS-2022研究) The role of social institutions in the formation of values and norms of SSE students (based on the ROS-2022 study) Pronina Elena Ivanovna.....................................................................................125 PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES 童话疗法:欲望的实现与幸福之路(俄罗斯民间故事《愚人埃梅利亚》剖析体会) Fairy tale therapy: fulfillment of desire and the path to happiness (experience of analyzing the Russian folk tale Emelya the Fool) Orlova Natalia Nikolaevna................................................................................133 HISTORICAL SCIENCES 在执行1982年粮食计划的框架内改进苏联农工联合体的管理系统:项目和建议 Improvement of the management system of the agro-industrial complex of the USSR in the framework of the implementation of the 1982 Food Program: projects and proposals Bagryantseva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna ............................................................138 POLITICAL SCIENCE 海外华人在中国外交政策中的作用:美国的载体 The role of the Chinese diaspora in Chinese foreign policy: an American vector Guliants Viktoriia Viktorovna..............................................................................143 MEDICAL SCIENCES 有效治疗晚发痤疮育龄女性细菌性阴道病的独家机会 Exclusive opportunities for effective treatment of bacterial vaginosis in women of reproductive age with late onset of acne Abdrakhmanov Azat Rasimovich, Tazieva Leniza Vladimirovna, Sadykova Zulfiya Rustamovna, Abdrakhmanov Rasim Mindrakhmanovich.......147 肾内白细胞介素6表达对2型糖尿病患者肾组织形态学变化的影响 The influence of intrarenal expression of interleukin-6 on the development of morphological changes in renal tissue in patients type 2 diabetes mellitus Ryabova Tatiana Sergeevna, Rakityanskaya Irina Anisimovna...........................152 结合被动吸烟和主动吸烟的育龄妇女形成慢性阻塞性肺病的可能性,取决于吸烟者的服务年限 The probability of COPD formation in women of fertile age who combine passive and active smoking, depending on the length of service of the smoker Dzyubailo Anna Vladimirovna............................................................................161 妊娠吸烟者尼古丁依赖程度与呼吸功能指标相关性评估 Assessment of the correlation of the degree of nicotine dependence and indicators of respiratory function in pregnant smokers Dzyubailo Anna Vladimirovna............................................................................168 吸烟在复杂产科病史形成中的作用 The role of tobacco smoking in the formation of a complicated obstetric history Dzyubailo Anna Vladimirovna............................................................................175 吸烟影响下女性血液流变特性的变化特征 Features of the change in rheological properties of blood in women under the influence of tobacco use Dzyubailo Anna Vladimirovna............................................................................179 人格在中俄关系史上的作用 The role of personality in the history of Russian-Chinese relations Shvetskiy Filipp Mikhailovich, Khosrovyan Ashkhen Mavrikovna, Marutyan Zinaida Gagikovna............................................................................183 实验中颌面部感染炎症过程的一些发病机制 Some pathogenetic aspects of the infectious-inflammatory process of the maxillofacial area in the experiment Taganiyazova Aliya Adylovna, Utargalieva Aynur Zhumabaevna, Takeshova Tayana Bulatovna, Ulanov Aslan Ulanuly.........................................190 TECHNICAL SCIENCES 作为微量营养素缺乏症患者饮食中功能性成分新来源的微绿色蔬菜的质量管理 Quality management of microgreens as a new source of functional ingredients in the diets of people with micronutrient deficiencies Eliseeva Lyudmila Gennadievna, Simina Daria Vladimirovna, Tokarev Petr Ivanovich.......................................................................................200 智能AR消防头盔的云计算和5G传输 Cloud Computing and 5G Transmission of Intelligent AR Firefighting Helmets Aojie Gao............................................................................................................207Рубрики: Социология поколенийСоциология образованияВозможно, вам будут интересны другие публикации:Гаспаришвили А. Т.Среднее профессиональное образование в России: перспективы выпускников // Экономика и управление: проблемы, решения. 2018. Т.3. № 3. С. 109-113.Широкалова Г. С., Дулина Н. В., Пронина Е. И.Традиции крестьянского мира в менталитете студенчества // Семья как хранитель традиционных духовно-нравственных ценностей российской цивилизации. По материалам «круглого стола». – М.: Издание Государственной Думы, 2023. С. 66-82.Galina, Cherednichenko (2019). Educational Tracks Of Russian Youth In System Of Education (On State Statistics 2000-2017). Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 6(3) 366-382. Cherednichenko G. New Developments in the Education and Professional Activity of Young People // Russian Education and Society. 2010. Vol. 52. Issue 7. P. 3-15. URL: G. The Professional Trajectories and Accumulation of Educational Resources of Young People After Acquiring a Secondary Education // Russian Education and Society. 2013. Vol. 55. Issue 1. P. 3-36. URL: